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MiniProf BT Wheel is a high precision, lightweight and portable tool for performing fast and reliable cross-sectional wheel profile measurements to monitor and analyze the wear of wheels. It is equipped with Bluetooth, has an option for cable connection and comes in few variations depending on your requirements. Magnetically attached to the backside of the wheel, the wheel profile is measured in less than 5 seconds and a complete railroad car in less than five minutes.

Get instant results

Wear parameters such as Sd, Sh and qR values are displayed instantly after each measurement in real time view. Numerous additional calculations and alignments are included in the powerful Envision software for basic to advanced data handling, analyzing and reporting

Wheel analysis & calculations

The MiniProf Envision software visualizes and calculates residuals and areas automatically.

Measurements can be compared in multiple ways and are easily exported to various formats.


The MiniProf BT Wheel system is ideal to use before and after reprofiling of the wheels to determine when to reprofile and how much material to take off during the reprofiling process. This leads to precise reprofiling and improved lifetime of the rolling stock due to the unmatched high accuracy of the MiniProf system.

Fast measuring with schemes

When measuring multiple profiles, the MiniProf BT measuring scheme is a very strong tool for clear identification of each profile in advance and for simplifying and reducing the measuring process even further.

From tram vehicles to locomotives

MiniProf Wheel Mini is the smallest member of the MiniProf Wheel family. With its compact and lightweight design, it is a versatile tool for measuring most types of wheels from compact tram wheels to locomotive wheels.

With only a small 100 mm backplate, it fits right in the palm of your hand and can be used even if only limited measuring space is available. It is fast and easy to operate and provides the same excellent profile accuracy and reliability as always, but without the diameter reading.

Profile and back-to-back in a single measurement

The MiniProf Wheel Back-to-Back system measures both the wheel profile and back-to-back distance of the wheelset in a single, quick measurement. Magnetically attached between the backsides of the wheels and connected by a solid rod, it can be applied directly under rolling stock or on standalone wheelsets.

For improved diameter measuring

MiniProf Wheel 400 is equipped with a wide 400 mm backplate and is our best option for profile and diameter readings in one single measurement.

Due to the large backplate, diameter readings are improved significantly and are three times less sensitive to the state of the wheel and measuring process compared to MiniProf Wheel 250.

As with most similar tools, the diameter is based on the common used Versine measuring principle and an assumption of an ideal wheel without local deformations. This should always be considered when handling diameter.


Product ID​MP-160MP-165MP-164
Profile accuracyBetter than: ± 9 µm
Repeatability: ± 2.5 µm
Better than: ± 9 µm
Repeatability: ± 2.5 µm
Better than: ± 9 µm
Repeatability: ± 2.5 µm
Back-to-back accuracy-200 µm-
Diameter accuracy *--800 mm wheel: 30 µm
1000 mm wheel: 50 µm
1200 mm wheel: 80 µm
Measuring speedLess than 5 secondsLess than 5 secondsLess than 5 seconds
MiniProf Envision
- Measurement
- Analysis
MiniProf Criterion
- Measurement
- Analysis
Supported for select calculations
Supported for select calculations
Weight0.7 kg2.0 kg1.4 kg
Operating temperature-15˚C to +50˚C-15˚C to +50˚C-15˚C to +50˚C

* According to the Versine measuring principle.

Scope of delivery

A MiniProf Wheel system is delivered with access to the MiniProf Criterion app for Android, the full Envision software package, BT and cable connection, video tutorial guides, software support and a customized and lightweight, rugged transport case with room for the measuring system and accessories for safe storage and transportation.

Download the MiniProf BT brochure​
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If you plan to visit InnoRail 2024 in Lucknow, India, we welcome you to visit MiniProf agent RENMAKCH India Pvt Ltd at booth 39 (Hall A) for a presentation of the MiniProf systems and the powerful Envision software.

The RENMAKCH MiniProf team will be there to assist you together with Mr. Benny Andersen, Director of Railway Division at Greenwood Engineering. In order to schedule a meeting in advance, do not hesitate to contact us.

How can we assist you?

The MiniProf team is here for you! If you have any questions about our MiniProf products, Envision software, Criterion for Android, local agent details, re-calibration or any of our other services, do not hesitate to contact us – we will be pleased to assist.

For a limited time only, we offer a 20% special campaign discount when ordering a new MiniProf Wheel Mini.

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Product & software support

Please make sure that your MiniProf instrument and laptop/tablet are fully charged.

Service & re-calibration