Equivalent conicity
The dynamic interaction between railway vehicle and track is fundamental to ensure a safe and efficient operation and maintenance of the railway and can be described by using equivalent conicity. A high equivalent conicity increases instability/hunting, infrastructural damages and the risk of derailment and is therefore a vital parameter to monitor for optimization of maintenance schedules.
Know the geometric interaction between wheels and rails
- Optimize reprofiling maintenance schedule
- Identify critical speed limits
- Reduce risk of derailment
- Improve vehicle stability
- Reduce maintenance costs
Contact points
The contact points is a graph showing where all the contact between the wheel and rail profiles were found.
Contact angles
The contact angles shows a graph of the left and right contact angle and the difference between the left and right angle relative to the wheelset displacement.
Rolling radius difference
The rolling radius difference shows a graph of the difference rolling radius relative to the wheelset displacement.
Equivalent Conicity
The equivalent conicity shows a graph with the conicity plotted relative to the wheelset displacement.