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Plasser & Theurer

Plasser & Theurer and the extended group of partner companies focus on developing, building and supporting track maintenance machines covering almost all elements of the track from the subgrade up to the catenary.
Richard Stock (PhD in Material Sciences) has more than 20 years of railway experience in the areas of rail metallurgy, rail/wheel contact, rail damage (wear, RCF thermal damage), rail milling and grinding as well as friction management. Throughout his career Richard has made and analysed throusands of MiniProf measurements covering the earliest versions of the MiniProf Software up to the latest release of the Envision Software.

Plasser & Theuer

Academy partner services related to MiniProf data

  • Support in rail profile measurements with all versions of the MiniProf Software
  • Support in measurement analysis with MiniProf for Windows and Envision Software
  • Solutions for rail life optimization (rail metallurgy, rail profiles, rail maintenance, friction management, track quality)

Contact details

Plasser & Theurer
Johannesgasse 3
1010 Wien

Plasser American Corporation
2428 Josef Theurer Lane
Chesapeake, VA 23324

Contact person:
Dr. Richard Stock, Global Head of Rail Solutions
Phone: +1 604 314-8774
E mail:

There are no financial ties between Greenwood Engineering and the Academy partner, except for specific agreed projects. Any sales or services agreed between the MiniProf user and the MiniProf Academy partner are settled directly between the two parties.

How can we assist you?

The MiniProf team is here for you! If you have any questions about our MiniProf products, Envision software, Criterion for Android, local agent details, re-calibration or any of our other services, do not hesitate to contact us – we will be pleased to assist.

General information

Product & software support

Please make sure that your MiniProf instrument and laptop/tablet are fully charged.

Service & re-calibration