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下載 軟體

歡迎來到MiniProf軟體下載頁面。在這裏,您可以選擇需要的版本和語言,下載MiniProf Envision軟體和MiniProf Ctiterion APP。如果您需要任何協助或軟體的進一步資訊,請不要猶豫直接聯繫我們。

MiniProf Envision

Version 3.1.67

Size: 188.4 mb

Released: August 29th, 2023

MD5: ec0fd60f b0444cdd f6f7b4a1 a3b9e948

Languages: American, English, German, Dutch, Czech, Polish, French, Italian, Spanish, Brazilian, Turkish, Danish, Japanese, simplified and traditional Chinese

Supports: Windows 7, Windows 8/8.1, Windows 10 and Windows 11 in 32 and 64 bit editions (RT editions are not supported)

包括:MiniProf Envision手持版 版本 3.1.4


MiniProf Criterion

Version 3.0.19

Size: 5.8 mb

Released: April 13th, 2021


Supports: Android 5.0 to 12.0


我們一直在不斷完善我們的軟體。MiniProf Envision和MiniProf Criterion是我們的最新應用軟體。

MiniProf for Windows和MiniProf for Pocket PC軟體包已停止維護,只能在Win7/Win8.1系統使用(自2020/2023年起Microsoft公司也不再支持)。如果您仍然在使用舊版軟體,我們推薦您升級到新款升級的MiniProf Envision軟體和Criterion軟體。


請求一個MiniProf Criterion軟體下載鏈接

Please enter your email address below and click “Request download link". We will then send you a download link for MiniProf Criterion as soon as possible.

If you plan to visit InnoRail 2024 in Lucknow, India, we welcome you to visit MiniProf agent RENMAKCH India Pvt Ltd at booth 39 (Hall A) for a presentation of the MiniProf systems and the powerful Envision software.

The RENMAKCH MiniProf team will be there to assist you together with Mr. Benny Andersen, Director of Railway Division at Greenwood Engineering. In order to schedule a meeting in advance, do not hesitate to contact us.

How can we assist you?


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