MiniProf藍牙系統供貨時包含MiniProf Envision軟體包,用於測量、深入分析和輸出報告等;還包括安卓系統使用的MiniProf Criterion應用,用於現場輕鬆採集數據。MiniProf軟體帶有數量眾多的計算功能和多種多樣的數據處理功能,是鐵路行業無與倫比的精密測量手段和用途廣泛的數據分析工具。

MiniProf Criterion is an app designed to run on modern Android based smartphones*. The software is fully compatible with standard MiniProf BT Wheel, Rail and Brake instruments and provides easy installation and setup for data collection in the field and in workshops.
* Supports Android 5.0 to 12.0